Shiga, Schmitz, Fusi and Song Nei’s four kinds of dysentery, the first two can be classified as one of the two types; Shih-Shih, Fu and Song Neither dysentery three clinical features, pathology There are some differences in changes, pathogens, routes of transmission and epidemiological patterns. We analyzed 25820 bacteriological studies of dung in dysentery, enteritis and dyspepsia cases in nine hospitals in Tianjin in 1960 and 1961. A total of 1915 cases of dysentery bacteria were detected, accounting for 7.4%. First, the dysentery species: 1915 cases, the most Frey’s dysentery, Song Nei’s diarrhea followed, Shigella dysentery at least (Table 1). In 1961, there were more cases of Schistososis than in 1960.