在本科生多如牛毛的时代,作为一名专科生,我从来没自卑过。 1997年考入大学,系里同级的有3个本科班、2个专科班。一上大学,好多专科班同学就在心里嘀咕:反正是专科,学得再好也没有学位证,何苦呢?为了平衡心态,大多数专科生就在舞厅、录相厅、宽阔的街道上消磨时日。多学点应该有用吧?我怀着这样的心态每天仍像高中生似的学习。 专科生仍要参加学校的活动,在学校组织大学生辩论赛的时候,系上要求每班必须抽一个人参加
As an undergraduate student, I never feel inferior. In 1997 admitted to the university, Department of the same level there are three undergraduate classes, two specialist classes. A college, a lot of junior college students in my heart whispered: Anyway, college, no matter how good academic degree card, why bother? In order to balance the mentality, most junior college students in the ballroom, video gallery, the streets to kill Time. More learning points should be useful, right? I am still with such a mentality like high school students like learning. Junior college students still have to participate in the activities of the school, in the organization of university students Debating Competition, Department requires each class must be pumping one person to participate