髓鞘完整性是维持中枢神经系统的生理功能的重要因素,脊髓损伤后髓鞘完整性的保存和再生对于脊髓功能的恢复有关键性的作用。脊髓损伤后,郎飞氏结等结构破坏,轴索暴露,髓鞘脱失处的神经传导受阻。之后出现少突胶质细胞丢失及髓鞘溶解等进一步的损伤。本文对少突胶质细胞丢失及髓鞘溶解的主要生物学事件及机制进行综述,并探讨抑制这些过程的方法。促进内源性的髓鞘再生是脊髓损伤后修复另外一个重要方面。最近研究发现在髓鞘再生过程中,先天性免疫和自适应免疫具有多重作用,胶质疤痕也可能具有潜在的免疫调节作用。神经元活化、少突胶质细胞生成及髓鞘形成间的紧密联系提示髓鞘恢复对脊髓功能的修复有重要意义。在临床应用中,已有几种治疗方案将脊髓损伤的病理生理作为修复目标,包括基因调控、小分子治疗、免疫调节、调控胶质疤痕以及细胞移植。一些新技术也已经开始尝试用于脊髓损伤的治疗,如通过细胞编程将一种细胞转变为另一种细胞、纳米或组织工程技术等。脊髓损伤后脊髓组织的损伤情况是复杂多样的,因此在治疗中需要使用综合性的手段,在损伤后早期尽快修复少突胶质细胞和髓鞘,促进髓鞘再生,为临床应用打基础。“,”Myelin integrity is crucial for central nervous system (CNS) physiology while its preservation and re-generation after spinal cord injury (SCI) is key to functional restoration. Disturbance of nodal organization acutely after SCI exposes the axon and triggers conduction block in the absence of overt demyelination. Oligodendrocyte (OL) loss and myelin degradation follow as a consequence of secondary damage. Here, we provide an overview of the major biological events and underlying mechanisms leading to OL death and demyelination and discuss strategies to restrain these processes. Another aspect which is critical for SCI repair is the enhancement of endogenously occurring spontaneous remyelination. Recent findings have unveiled the complex roles of innate and adaptive immune responses in remyelination and the immunoregulatory potential of the glial scar. Moreover, the intimate crosstalk between neuronal activity, oligodendrogenesis and myelination emphasizes the contribution of rehabilitation to functional recovery. With a view toward clinical applications, several therapeutic strategies have been devised to target SCI pathology, including genetic manipulation, administration of small therapeutic molecules, immunomodulation, manipulation of the glial scar and cell transplantation. The implementation of new tools such as cellular reprogramming for conversion of one somatic cell type to another or the use of nanotechnology and tissue engineering products provides additional opportunities for SCI repair. Given the complexity of the spinal cord tissue after injury, it is becoming apparent that combinatorial strategies are needed to rescue OLs and myelin at early stages after SCI and support remyelination, paving the way toward clinical translation.