Silicified tuff is a well-developed metallogenic product of Qinglong antimony orefield in Guizhou. The characteristics of rare earth elements (REEs) in unmodified tuffs, silicified tuffs, Emeishan basalts, fluorite and stibnite, as well as the characteristic parameters of some high-field-strength elements, are discussed to discuss the physico-chemical characteristics of ore-forming fluids. The abundance of Sb in the P2d1 strongly silicified tuff, P2d2 near-ores silicified tuff and the upper (P2d3) unettented tuff show that tuff associated with Emeishan basalt eruption may be a potential source of Qinglong antimony ore Layer, the latter part of the hydrothermal mineral resources brought to hydrothermal transformation is the key to the enrichment of mineralization. The study on the evolution characteristics of REE before and after tuff alteration shows that the REE content of the ore-forming fluid is very low, characterized by rich F- and reducible. The ratios of Y / Ho, Zr / Hf and Nb / Ta indicate that the ore-forming fluid of Qinglong antimony ore has multi-source characteristics. The distribution characteristics of rare earth elements in stibnite are significantly different from those of other stibnites in the country. The similar W-type quadrant effect is the characteristic of inheriting the characteristics of rare earth elements in seawater or formation water.