改革促进新发展 代收开创新局面

来源 :中国工会财会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qleeanna
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在湖北省荆州市总工会最近召开的全市工会财务工作会议上,该市国营七一一厂工会主席在发言中介绍,从2005年实行工会经费委托国税部门代收以来,该厂拨缴工会经费连续三年按照市统计局公布的工资总额考核,收缴率达到100%,增长率年平均达到33%,上解上级经费和本级留成经费均实现了翻番。就是这个厂的前任工会主席,在实行税务代收前写给笔者的一封信,反映该厂工会经费拨缴难的困境仍历历在目。由于当时已至年终,该厂的工会经费拖欠严重,这位主席十分着急。经多次与厂行政协商,确定由厂工会去欠债单位收债交工会经费。 At the recent financial work conference of the city’s trade unions held by the General Staff Union of Jingzhou City in Hubei Province, the president of the state-owned 71st Labor Union of the city introduced in his speech that since the commission was commissioned by the state tax department in 2005, the factory allocated funds to the trade union For three consecutive years in accordance with the Municipal Bureau of Statistics announced the total wage assessment, the collection rate of 100%, an average annual growth rate of 33%, the upper end of the funds and the remaining funds have been doubled. A letter from the former chairman of the labor union of the factory, written to the author before the tax collection was carried out, shows that the plight of difficult allocation of labor union funds in the factory remains vivid. Since the end of the year, the factory was seriously in arrears in union funds, and the chairman was in a hurry. After several consultations with the factory administration, it is determined that the unions from the factory will collect the debts of the debtors and pay the labor union funds.
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