1 锶的理化性状锶为银白色碱土金属,原子量87.62,比重2.5,熔点757℃,沸点1460℃,有可锻性和可塑性。在空气中易氧化成黄色,常温下与水能进行激烈反应产生氢气。与卤代烃如四氯化碳、三氯乙烯、溴及碘化物混合时,由于摩擦、冲击可引起爆炸。它的硝酸盐、氯化物及许多有机酸盐难溶于水。锶也能与络合剂形成可溶性络合物。
1 strontium physical and chemical properties of strontium silver white alkaline earth metal, atomic weight 87.62, the proportion of 2.5, the melting point of 757 ℃, the boiling point of 1460 ℃, malleability and plasticity. In the air easily oxidized into yellow, at room temperature and water can react violently to produce hydrogen. When mixed with halogenated hydrocarbons such as carbon tetrachloride, trichlorethylene, bromine and iodide, the impact can cause an explosion due to friction. Its nitrate, chloride and many organic acid salts are poorly soluble in water. Strontium also forms soluble complexes with complexing agents.