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  2006年,17岁的泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)出道之时,就凭借清新的邻家女孩形象、淳朴的乡村音乐曲风征服了无数青少年,首张唱片便获得美国唱片业协会5倍白金唱片认证,成为名副其实的小天后。2014年,25岁的斯威夫特发行了第5张个人专辑《1989》,仅仅一周的时间便获得白金销量,魅力依旧不减。8年间,斯威夫特在不断成长,《1989》从她拿手的乡村音乐转型为流行音乐,不仅如此,昔日的淳朴女孩也愈加成熟,她希望透过自己的歌曲,让喜爱她的和质疑她的人们都能重新认识她。
  Melissa Block (Host): Her new album, 1)released Monday, is on track to 2)eclipse 1 million sales in its first week. The last artist to go 3)platinum in a week in the past two years—that was Taylor Swift. (Soundbite of song, “Shake It Off”) Her new album is titled “1989.”That’s the year Taylor Swift was born, which means she’s not quite 25 years old. And she joins me from New York, where she moved this year. Taylor, welcome to the program.
  Taylor Swift: Hey.

  Block: I 4)enlisted some expert outside counsel for this interview, my 12-year-old daughter. And I want to start with a question from her.
  Swift: That’s amazing.
  Block: Here’s her question—in your hit song “Shake It Off,”why did you address the song to your haters and not your motivators?
  Swift: I think that with the song “Shake It Off,” I really wanted to take back the narrative and sort of have more of a sense of humor about people who kind of get under my skin and not let them get under my skin. This is an issue that I wrote about before. I had an album...
  Block: With the song “Mean,” yeah?
  Swift: Yes. Wow, OK, so I don’t even have to tell you that. But there’s a song that I wrote a couple years ago called“Mean,” where I addressed the same issue, but I addressed it very differently. I said, why you got to be so mean? Like, and addressed—like, it from a kind of a 5)victimized perspective, which is how we all approach bullying or gossip when it happens to us for the first time. But in the last few years, I’ve gotten better at just kind of laughing off things that absolutely have no bearing on my real life.
  Block: Well, here’s a related question about the same song from a seventh grader. She’s thinking about the 6)lyrics. And she says that sounds a lot like middle school. Do you have anything that you can tell a middle-school girl to help shake it off?
  Swift: She’s exactly right. When I was in middle school, I had this fantasy that when we were in school, we had to deal with bullying and kids picking on you for no reason or picking on you’cause you’re different. And I thought that when you grow up, that it’s not like that anymore. (Soundbite of song, “Shake It Off”) So I guess what I try to encourage girls who are in middle school to do is to figure out a way to 7)distract yourself from that negativity. Figure out what kind of art you love to create or your favorite hobby or something to throw all of your energy into, and realize that you’re gonna have to learn how to cope with this at some point because it’s never going to end necessarily. Block: You know, I’ve been thinking about this a lot because I am the mother of a 12-year-old girl. And she loves your music. Her friends love your music. You have a huge platform among a very 8)vulnerable, 9)impressionable set of the population. And I wonder if you think about turning your lens outward, turning it away from the diary page and sending a broader message to girls who would be really receptive to hearing about big ideas and the big world that’s outside?   Swift: Like, what kind of messages?
  Block: Well, other characters. I mean, I don’t mean to minimize the effect of a love song or a pop song, but do you ever think about writing in the voice of other characters, other experiences, things that might turn girls away from themselves in a different way?
  Swift: There’s nothing that’s gonna turn girls away from themselves at age 12. I think that I have brought 10)feminism up in every single interview I’ve done, because I think it’s important that a girl who’s 12 years old understands what that means.
  And in talking to so many girls that age, we are dealing with a huge self-esteem crisis. These girls are able to scroll down pictures of the highlight 11)reels of other people’s lives and they’re stuck with the behindthe-scenes of their own lives. It’s so easy and readily available to compare yourself to others and to feel like you lose and you’re not as cool. I just try to tell girls that this is what my life looks like. I love my life. I’ve never, ever felt 12)edgy, cool or sexy—not one time. And that it’s not important for them to be those things—it’s important for them to be imaginative, intelligent, hardworking, strong, smart, charming. I think that there are bigger themes I can be explaining to them and I think I’m trying as hard as I possibly can to do that.
  Block: You mentioned earlier that you try to talk about feminism. What does feminism mean to you?
  Swift: I mean, by my basic definition, it means that you hope for the equal rights and opportunities for men and women.
  Block: And how does that play out in the music world that you’re a part of? I mean, do you feel like that’s not an issue for you anymore?
  Swift: It’s completely an issue. It’s an issue every day that I read a headline that says “careful guys, she’ll write a song about you.” Meanwhile, I have, you know, best friends who are male musicians and songwriters who write songs about their girlfriends, their ex-girlfriends and that joke is never made about them.
  布洛克:叫作《卑鄙》的歌曲,是吧?斯威夫特:是的。哇,好的,所以我甚至不必告诉你这些。但是几年前我写了一首歌叫作《卑鄙》,说的也是同样的问题,现在我却会用非常不同的方式来处理。我以前说,你为什么那么卑鄙?像是在说--像是一种类似受害者的语气,这是我们所有人第一次受到欺负或面对流言时都会有的表现。但是在过去几年里,我能更好地处理了,对那些毫不影响我现实生活的事情,我会一笑置之。   布洛克:嗯,还有一个七年级学生的问题与这首歌有关。她在思考歌词,她说听起来非常像是描写中学生活。你有什么想对中学女生说的,来帮助她们甩掉坏情绪?
  斯威夫特:她说得很对。当我读中学时,我也这么幻想,上学时要遭受欺负(Soundbite of song, “Out of the Woods”)和其他孩子的招惹,无缘无故,或者是因为你与他们不同。我想,当你长大了,就不再像那样了。(歌曲《摆脱它》片段)所以我觉得,我想要鼓励中学女生的是找到一个方法把注意力从那些消极影响中分散开。找到你喜欢去创造的某种艺术、最喜欢的爱好或是你愿意将所有精力投入其中的某件事物,并且明白你将会在某一段时间必须学会如何面对这个问题,因为它不会自然终止。

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