
来源 :新作文(语文教学研究) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangpin1
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初中语文教学之难,不在于课文教学而在于作文教学,这基本上是初中师生的一种共识,教师难教,学生怕写。从这个角度讲,将作文比作炼钢是恰当的,需要建立的一点认识是:炼钢的结果并不全部是好钢,还有可能是废钢;只有经过精炼、淬火之后,好钢才有可能形成。在这样的教学比喻中,笔者悟出一个道理:初中作文教学,需要像炼钢一样 The difficulty of Chinese teaching in junior middle school lies not in the teaching of the text but in writing teaching, which is basically a kind of consensus among teachers and students in junior high school. Teachers are hard to teach and students are afraid to write. From this perspective, it is appropriate to compare essay writing to steelmaking. What we need to establish is that the results of steelmaking are not all good steel, and may be scrap. Only after refining and quenching are good steel May form. In this teaching metaphor, I realized that one reason: junior high school composition teaching, need to be the same as steelmaking
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