
来源 :浙江农业学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:digitalmachineu
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本文论述了人工饲料含水量对野蚕1龄幼虫初次摄食及幼虫整个发育阶段的影响。研究表明,在1~2龄期,人工饲料含水量以76%左右为宜,用按含水量76%配制的饲料喂饲幼虫,幼虫自孵化至初次摄食间隔时间为1天,且从1龄至2龄生长历期为13天,接近桑叶育幼虫。在3~5龄期,则以69%左右含水量为宜,其生长历期为14天,仅与桑叶育幼虫的历期相差3天,且幼虫死亡率较低。室内环境湿度也是影响野蚕人工饲养的重要因子,当室内环境相对湿度为73~76%时,野蚕可顺利完成一个世代的生长发育,而大于该湿度范围,则幼虫大量死亡,不能得到预期虫源。 This article discusses the effect of artificial dietary water content on the initial feeding of larvae and the larval stage of the first instar larvae. The results showed that the water content of artificial diet was about 76% at 1 ~ 2 instars, larvae were fed with feed formulated at 76% moisture content. The larvae hatched from first hatching to first feeding interval was 1 day, To 2 years of growth duration of 13 days, close to mulberry larvae. At 3 ~ 5 instar, the water content is about 69%, the growth period is 14 days, only 3 days difference with the mulberry larvae larvae, and larvae mortality is low. Indoor environment humidity is also an important factor affecting the wild silkworm artificial feeding, when the indoor environment relative humidity of 73 ~ 76%, wild silkworm can successfully complete a generation of growth and development, and greater than the humidity range, the large number of larvae died, can not get the expected source of insects .
温度对化学平衡影响的演示实验和学生实验使用的是二氧化氮。在实验过程中会有二氧化氮泄漏,污染空气,毒害人体。为此,特作如下改进。 The demonstration experiment and s