地处鄂西北贫困山区的郧县安阳镇居峪小学是一所普普通通的村级小学,仅有12个教学班、500多名学生、26名教职工。前不久,该校经过省政府教育督导室和省教育厅督导评估,成为湖北省普通中小学示范学校,首开了贫困山区村级小学成为省示范学校之先河。笔者闻之不禁拍手叫好。 自开展省示范学校评估以来,省示范学校基本上是重点高中和市县实验学校一统天下。这批学校以其雄厚的办学实力、先进的教育理念、良好的办
Located in the impoverished mountainous area of northwest Hubei Province, Anyang Zhenyu Yu Primary School is an ordinary village primary school with only 12 teaching classes, over 500 students and 26 faculty members. Not long ago, the school after the provincial government education supervision room and the provincial Department of Education supervision and evaluation, as the ordinary primary and secondary schools in Hubei Province demonstration school, the first to open a poor mountain village elementary school to become the first demonstration school in the province. I heard can not help but applauded. Since the implementation of the provincial demonstration school evaluation, the provincial demonstration school is basically a key high school and county experimental school dominate the world. These schools with its strong educational strength, advanced educational concepts, good to do