研究了青霉素和 Ca2 + 复配的处理液对小麦幼苗生长的影响,结果表明,100 m g / L 青 霉素和37.5 m g/ L Ca2 + 显著提高小 麦幼苗长度、根系 活力和幼苗体内 α- 淀粉酶活性,但对 幼苗叶片叶绿素 含量影响不大。
The effects of penicillin and Ca2 + treatment solution on the growth of wheat seedlings were studied. The results showed that 100 m g / L penicillin and 37.5 mg / L Ca2 + significantly increased the seedling length, root vigor and α- Amylase activity, but little effect on chlorophyll content in seedling leaves.