目的:探讨注射剂致过敏性休克的一般规律,为临床合理用药提供依据。方法:检索中国医院数字图书馆期刊全文数据库中1989年至今的所有注射剂致过敏性休克的文献,并进行统计分析。结果:注射剂致过敏性休克与性别、年龄无关;抗微生物药、中药制剂和影响血液及造血系统药物居不良反应前三位;发生过敏性休克出现的时间在30 min以内的占89.11%。结论:用药前询问过敏史,严格掌握适应证,观察用药后反应,确保患者用药安全。
Objective: To investigate the general rule of anaphylactic shock induced by injection and provide the basis for clinical rational drug use. Methods: The literatures about allogeneic anaphylactic shocks from 1989 to the present in the full - text database of digital library of Chinese hospital were retrieved and statistically analyzed. Results: Anaphylactic shock caused by injection was not related to gender and age. Antimicrobials, traditional Chinese medicine preparations and drugs affecting blood and hematopoietic system had the top three adverse reactions. The occurrence of anaphylactic shock accounted for 89.11% within 30 minutes. Conclusions: Ask the history of allergy before treatment, strictly control indications, observe the response after medication to ensure the safety of patients.