In history, torture is not a culture-specific phenomenon, but there are obvious differences between the East and the West in the physical suffering of various images. The depiction of incurable pain in Chinese traditional drawings is mainly embodied in the imaginary depiction of the penalty of the underworld in the altered map of Hell. The surface transmission is a moral warning of the cause and effect of good and evil, which is essentially the control, torture and deprivation of the body by power Intimidation. These pictures are free from the authenticity of the literati paintings. They are mostly modeled by craftsmen, and do not provide any visual insight into the body damage. However, there is a long history in Western painting that portrays the broken headless remnant. The works of Michelangelo, Caravaggio, Botticelli and others all have their works surviving. Moreover, apart from the vast differences in cartographic techniques, the extremely painful and detailed portrayal of the crucifixion of Christ in Western painting has made physical suffering a source for gaze and reflection, as a result of the belief tradition of “incarnation” A visual connection has been established between spiritual salvation.