Hello English 3A Chapter 3 Feeling things

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  Teaching content analysis:
  Hello English 3A,chapter 3,this unit majors in the feelings of things that we see around the word. Then the students learn to ask the feelings of the things. In section A, try to make the students know the pronunciations, meanings, writings, and use the feelings (hard.soft)to make up the complete sentences. Section B, learn the phrases “what can you feel?to ask the feelings of the things. In this chapter , Let the students love the natures , love the colorful word, open mouths to describe in English. 
  Student analysis:
  The students have studied english for two years.They can ask and answer some questions.For example:what is this ? What can you see/smell/hear/feel?This chapter, the content is very interesting and simple. The students will fell easy and interested .They will have fun in learning it. 
  Teaching aims:
  Ability aims: grasp the pronunciation,spelling,listening of the eight words.
  Target Language aims: 
  ⑴Know the words’pronunciations, meanings, and know how to write
  ⑵Drill“what can you see?”"The ----is/are soft/hard."
  Learning strategy: listening, reading, speaking, drill, playing games
  Emotional attitude: In this chapter, let the students love the natures, love the colorful word, and open mouths to describe them in English. 
  Teaching importance and difficulties 
  Importance: the words’pronunciations, use the feelings to make up the complete sentences.
  Difficulties: Touch the things and can guess them correctly.,and talk about the feelings.
  Teaching methods analysis:
  Discussion ,task, pair- work, CAI ,listening , speaking 
  Feeling hard soft stone watch key towel tissue tie
  Step1. Greet the Class (1")
  Greet each other and sing an English song“Sing a song ".
  (let the students feel happy and interested to study english.)
  Step2. Warming up (4')
  2.1Do some orders quickly .(touch your body)
  1 2 3 head 123 ears 123 eyes 123 mouth
  (let the students pay attention to the skills of thinking, reading,looking,listening.If they do these,they will find a good way to learn english.)
  2.2Free talking:
  Show a picture of "a blinder touched an elephant".The teacher says:
  A: What can you see?Are they right or wrong? What is it?   B:I can see an elephant. 
  I can see two teeth. He felt bones.
  I can see a long nose. He felt a snake.
  I can feel...
  (show the title on the blackboard)
  -----Look at this word"feel" what is the meaning?(the teacher does some actions:feel a book,feel his head,touch her face,let them guess)
  Step3. Presentation (5")
  3.1Show some pictures to show the feelings. Ask the students to look and say. (软的soft,硬的hard)
  -----Look at this word"soft" what is the meaning? Touch you face.
  -----Look at this word"hard" what is the meaning?Touch the desk.
  3.2Practice the feelings. (show pictures ,choose them to read and guess)
  (Let the students to practice. Can describe the feelings correctly. If the do well,give a happy face to the students)
  3.3Practice saying compete sentences.
  The T-shirt is soft. The tree is hard.
  The hair is soft. The desk is hard.
  Step4. Teaching the key words.(10")
  4.1Show the pictures, try to say the words and sentences.
  The teacher writes the word"stone" and show the real thing.And  says:look at the stone,the stone is hard.(老师边说边做撞击、碰的动作)
  Read after the teacher ,look at the finger to read and spell
  For example:
  stone towel 
  a hard stone a soft towel
  It is a hard stone. It is a soft towel.
  The stone is hard.The towel is soft.
  4.2Sentence pattern
  The ----- is/are soft/hard.
  4.3Read the flashcards quickly,Let us chant:
  @Read the words by yourselves .
  @Read the words in a small groups,and show .
  @looking at the teacher"s mouth to guess the words.
  @let us chant
  Stone stone , watch watch, key key, hard
  Towel towel , tie tie , tissue tissue, soft
  Hard 嘿soft嗨
  Hard stone, hard watch,hard key
  Soft towel ,soft tie, soft tissue
  (consolidate the words ,let them clap hands to read. Encourage to the best students,such as: you are clever.hardworking. Good job. Well done. You are No.1)
  Step5 .practice(10")
  5.1Show the pictures :pen ruler bag red scarf ,try to talk about.
  The pen is hard. The bag is soft.
  The ruler is hard.The red scarf is soft.
  5.2A feeling game.(guess what it is)
  At first,the teacher puts some things into the magic bag.then let some students to touch,and say the feelings,and guess what this is. Encourage the students:   1 yeah 2 yeah yeah 3 yeah yeah yeah
  5.3show the real things, look and say.
  I can feel something hard ,it is a key.
  5.4Talk about the feelings of the things in the classroom.
  Looking around the classroom ,what can you see?what can you feel?Talk about them.
  E.g: I can see a book. The book is hard.
  I can see some desks .The desks are hard.
  Step6 consolidate(5")
  6.1Read the words in small groups.
  6.2Look at the picture and say in section A.
  6.3Match the feelings with the things.
  6.4Fill the blanks to complete the sentences.
  Step7 Summary(5')
  @Sing"what can you see?"
  @Find the best student,give him or her happy face and a picture"very good"
  Step8 Homework
  Talk about the feelings of the things .
  Blackboard Designing
  Chapter 3 Feeling things Section A 
  Words: Sentence pattern 
  HardSoft 
  KeytieThe ------is /are hard.
  WatchtissueThe -------is /are soft.
  课后反思:本节课主要学习六个物体单词stone, watch, key, tissue, tie, tower及两个属性单词 hard 和soft 以及句型the ----is/are soft/hard. 在本堂课中,主要通过使用CAI,实物,采取猜测,触摸等方式,运用互问互答,做游戏等教学方法,让生去感知身边事物的属性。通过本节课的教学,使我感受到调动学生积极性及增强学生主观能动性是课堂教学成功的关键。一堂课成功与否,不管教学形式多么花样百出,最终目的是让学生主动参与到学习中来,学会学习。因此,课堂教学不仅仅是教师的‘教’,更是学生的‘学’,应做到‘教学合一’。
  【摘要】随着现代教育改革的推进,在感受着现代教育教学技术与观念带来的巨大冲击的同时,课件的设计、制作与运用直接体现了教师的教育教学观念,体现了教师、学生、教材、媒体在课堂教学中的关系,而这恰恰是探讨新型教学模式的关键。本文介绍了如何使用PowerPoint制作英语课件的方法、技巧与使用中应注意的问题。  【关键词】PowerPoint;英语;应用  随着教学改革的深入,多媒体辅助教学已渐渐
    计算是小学数学知识中的重要内容之一,数学计算能力是一项基本的数学能力,包含了计算的准确率和正确率两方面的计算能力是学习数学重要基础。在小学数学教材中计算所占的比重很大,尤其是低年级,学生计算能力的高低直接影响着学生学习的质量,因为数学中有些概念的引入需要通过计算来进行;数学中解决实际问题的解题思路、步骤、结果也要通过计算来落实。几何知识的教学要涉及周长、面积、体积的求法,这些公式的推导
【摘要】语文在生活中应用广泛,要让学生学好语文,对语文学习产生兴趣,关键的是激发他们学习语文的兴趣。在语文教学过程中,要让学生成为学习的主体,教学要贴近学生的生活,要让他们参与到语文教学中,切实感受到语文的魅力。  【关键词】语文课堂;学生;学习乐园  语文是一门应用最广泛,最接近生活,内容最丰富多彩,最有情趣的学科,语文也 应该是学生最感兴趣的课程。然而,深受应试教育影响的中学语文教学将充满人
    在初中语文教学中,许多学生爱学习记叙性的文章,而厌学说明性的文章;许多教师也认为,教学说明文总不如文学作品那么形象生动,学起来不免让人感到枯燥、乏味。  其实不然。众所周知,兴趣是学习的内驱力,是创造才能的催化剂。孔子曾经说过:“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。”现行省编义务教材初中语文也考虑到“兴趣是最好的老师”,入选的一些说明文,多是精美的科学小品,不少写得形象生动,通俗活泼
学校安全工作直接关系着学生的安危、家庭的幸福、社会的稳定。因此,做好学校安全工作,创造一个安全的学习环境是十分重要的,做好学校安全工作也是完成上级交给的各项工作任务的基础。要确保安全,根本在于提高安全意识、自我防范和自护自救能力,抓好安全管理,是学校安全工作的基础。  1. 切实提高对中学生安全教育工作重要性的认识  目前,个学校虽然重视安全教育,树立了 安全重于泰山的意识,也采取了一些安全教
【摘要】作为教育组成部分的民办学校,要怎样才能办成人民满意的呢?我认为:要规范民办学校领导班子,教育行政部门对他们要进行严格培训考核,让他们真正懂教育,科学管理学校;要稳定教师队伍,把育人摆在首位;要努力提高质量,为社会主义现代化事业服务;要加强学校硬件建设,切实为师生服好务。只有做到了这几点,才能办成人民满意的民办学校,才能为国家培养有用之才,为人民作出重大贡献。  【关键词】办;人民;满意;
    数学中的审美教育,在于授课过程中培养学生的教学美感学生是审美的主体,数学是审美的对象,数学教师是学生获得更好美感的桥梁。可见教师在数学审美教育中起到的重要作用,以及对好的数学老师的要求是十分必要的。数学存在着美;更有美育价值所在,它的美育价值越来越被教育界所注目。数学中的审美教育,教师起着积极而重要的作用,数学本身的美只是美的条件只有加上人的主观意思作用,才能有美的实现。在数学教学过程
    化学是一门以实验为基础的学科。重视和加强实验教学能激发学生的学习兴趣、促使学生主动地学习,使他们切实掌握化学科学的基础知识和技能,深入理解物质的组成、结构、性质、变化之间的辩证关系;实验教学对于帮助学生形成化学概念,巩固化学知识,获得化学实验技能,培养实事求是、严肃认真的科学态度和训练科学方法具有不可替代的作用。化学实验有助于学生检验和巩固化学基本概念和化学基础理论,有助于培养和发展学
  【摘要】数学教学中实施素质教育,“一切为了学生,为了学生的一切,为了一切学生”,数学教学必须重视培养学生的良好个性品质,并通过各种教育途径努力实施,努力提高学生的素质。  【关键词】学生个性;自信心;创新精神;意志品质  数学教学过程是一个不断变化发展的过程,其中人的因素起决定性作用 ,它不是一种机械运动,不可能有一种统一的操作方法,因此教学方法、教学环节可以有各种派系、各种模式,教无定法