当前,部分企业的厂长经理只注重企业外部公共关系,忽视企业内部的公共关系,因而,出现了干部与职工之间、干部与干部之间关系紧张甚至对立的情况。有的企业还出现了职工采取多种形式消极对抗的现象。这不仅直接影响了本企业的生产经营,而且在社会上造成了很坏影响。为此,笔者呼吁:厂长经理应十分重视企业内部的公关管理。 一、不重视企业内部公关管理,就是没有抓住“以人为本”这个企业管理的根本
At present, the manager of some factory managers only pays attention to the external public relations of the company and ignores the internal public relations of the company. Therefore, there is a situation in which the relationship between the cadres and the employees and between the cadres and the cadres are tense and even contradictory. Some enterprises have also seen the phenomenon of employees taking various forms of negative confrontation. This not only directly affected the production and operation of the company, but also caused a very bad influence in the society. For this reason, the author appeals that the manager of the factory should pay great attention to the management of public relations within the company. I. Disregarding the internal public relations management of enterprises, that is, not grasping the fundamentals of “people-oriented” enterprise management