目前学术期刊的经营模式大致可划分为两大类:一类是由学会或大学主办的非盈利性期刊;另一类是由出版商(出版社)主办的盈利性期刊。笔者用学术期刊的影响因子(IF)作为评价其学术质量的标准,用学术期刊每页的价格作为其价格标准。用 IF 除以每页的价格作为学术期刊的性能价格比。通过对国外171种学术期刊的统计分析表明:非盈利性期刊的性能价格比远远高于盈利性期刊。综观百年来的学术期刊发展史,初步探明:学术期刊的办刊方针决定了它们的性能价格比的高低。笔者建议:在评定学术期刊的质量时,不要单纯地把经济效益作为一项指标,而应该把学术期刊的性能价格比,作为一项重要的指标。只有这样做,才会真正提高我国学术期刊的学术质量,才能造就我国的知名期刊。
At present, the mode of operation of academic journals can be broadly divided into two categories: one is a non-profit periodical sponsored by a society or a university; the other is a profit periodical sponsored by a publisher (publisher). The author uses the impact factor (IF) of academic journals as the standard to evaluate its academic quality, and uses the price per sheet of academic journals as its price standard. Use IF divided by the price per page as the academic journal’s cost-to-performance ratio. Through the statistical analysis of 171 academic journals abroad, it shows that the performance-price ratio of non-profit journals is much higher than that of profit journals. Looking at the development history of academic journals over the past 100 years, we can tentatively prove that the orientation of academic journals determines their performance-to-price ratio. The author suggests: in assessing the quality of academic journals, do not simply regard economic benefits as an indicator, but should regard the performance-cost ratio of academic journals as an important indicator. Only by doing this will we really improve the academic quality of our academic journals and create a well-known periodical in our country.