带状疱疹是由水痘——带状疱疹病毒所致。目前尚无理想的治疗药物。本人根据沈氏的报道,自1984年6月至1985年7月用七厘散治疗带状疱疹46例,获显著疗效。现报告如下: 一、临床资料 1.一般资料男31例,女15例;年龄为5~71岁,大多数为17~ 55岁;病期为1~15天,大多于2~7天就诊;发病部位为三叉神经8例,臂丛神经12例,肋间神经18例,腰丛神经3例,骶丛神经5例。 2.治疗方法采用上海黄河制药厂生产的七厘散,每瓶1.5克。成人每日一次顿服1.2克,用温开
Shingles are caused by varicella-zoster virus. There is currently no ideal treatment. According to Shen’s report, I treated 46 cases of shingles with Qili powder from June 1984 to July 1985 and achieved significant results. Now report as follows: First, the clinical data 1. General information 31 males and 15 females; aged 5 to 71 years, the majority of 17 to 55 years old; disease for 1 to 15 days, mostly in 2 to 7 days of treatment ; The incidence of parts of the trigeminal nerve in 8 cases, brachial plexus in 12 cases, 18 cases of intercostal nerve, lumbar plexus in 3 cases, 5 cases of sacral plexus. 2. Treatment using the Shanghai Pharmaceutical Factory production of seven yellow scattered, 1.5 grams per bottle. Dayton daily adult service 1.2 grams, with a warm open