在严峻的金融危机面前,节约成本的同时还要满足的办公需求、辅助部门壮大,办公设备是为事业成功的商务伙伴之一。佳能(中国)有限公司面向公司部门用户及工作组用户,发布了传真一体机——腾彩PIXMA MX868。它具有便捷的无线网络连接方式,并具独特的垃圾传真过滤功能,高速度大容量双面输稿器及自动双面打印单元令其轻松应对多样办公需求。在轻松的办公环境中,节省了办公开支,在金融危机中,辅助公司壮大发展。
In the face of severe financial crisis, cost-saving office needs to be met at the same time, supporting the growth of departments, office equipment is one of the successful business partners for the cause. Canon (China) Co., Ltd. for corporate users and user groups, has released a fax machine - Teng color PIXMA MX868. It has a convenient wireless network connection and a unique junk fax filter, high-speed large-capacity double-sided feeder and automatic two-sided printing unit makes it easy to deal with a variety of office needs. In a relaxed office environment, saving office expenses in the financial crisis, supporting the growth of the company.