Rectal cancer accounts for about 10-17% of all carcinoids. Carcinoids can be divided into three categories based on embryonic origin: the foregut, midgut, and hindgut. Silver-stained precancers are often osmotic, the midgut is pro-silver, and the hindgut is not silver-reactive. Some scholars believe that most rectal carcinoids occur in the hindgut. Under the electron microscope, the neurosecretory granules in the cytoplasm of cancer-like cancer cells have two types, one type is a small round shape of particles, and this type is found in cases of euthyroid cancer. The other type of particle is slightly more uniform than the former, and is found in the pro-carcinogenic carcinoid. The two types of particles co-exist in the same tumor and have not been reported. Rectal carcinoids are often neither argyrophilic nor pro-silver in histochemistry. Some rectal carcinoids have argyrophilic staining properties, but there are pro-silver stains