患者62岁,因“下腹坠胀3个月”于2014年4月8日入院。绝经10年,无腹痛、阴道出血、阴道排液等不适。妇科检查右附件区触及实性肿物,大小约8 cm×8 cm×6 cm,活动可,质地硬,无压痛。超声检查示,子宫右上方见不均质中低回声肿物,后方部分声衰减,大小约8.8 cm×8.2 cm×7.3 cm,内见多发无回声区(图1)。肿瘤标记物:CA125、CA199、AFP、CEA
Patient 62 years old, admitted to hospital on April 8, 2014 because of “bulging lower abdomen for 3 months.” Menopause 10 years, no abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding, vaginal discharge and other discomfort. Gynecological examination right attachment area touches the solid mass, size of about 8 cm × 8 cm × 6 cm, activity can be, hard texture, no tenderness. Ultrasonography showed that in the upper right uterus see heterogeneous hypoechoic mass, the rear part of the sound attenuation, the size of about 8.8 cm × 8.2 cm × 7.3 cm, see the multiple anechoic area (Figure 1). Tumor Markers: CA125, CA199, AFP, CEA