1924年泰戈尔访华是中国现代文化史上最具影响力的事件之一。1999年,德里大学“泰戈尔教授”西斯.古马尔.达斯(SisirKumar Das)受国际大学之托,整理出版《泰戈尔在中国的讲演》(Rabin-dranath Tagore:TALKS IN CHINA)一书,为读者提供了泰戈尔1924年在华讲演的详细记录。本文对此书加以文本细读,重新反思泰戈尔访华的意义,并认为这一历史事件透视出当时中国本土文化对外来文化的复杂心理,外来文化对本土文化的投射,以及当时中国思想界对待外来文化时的偏颇。
Tagore’s visit to China in 1924 was one of the most influential events in the history of modern Chinese culture. In 1999, University of Delhi, “Professor Tagore” Sisir Kumar Das, under the auspices of the International University, compiled the book TALKS IN CHINA entitled Rabin-dranath Tagore: , Provides readers with a detailed account of Tagore’s speech to China in 1924. In this paper, the text to be read carefully to reflect on the significance of Tagore’s visit to China, and that this historical event perspective of the Chinese culture to foreign culture complex psychology, foreign culture on the projection of local culture, and the treatment of Chinese thought at that time Biased foreign culture.