【摘 要】
【机 构】
昆明市云南省第一人民医院产科,昆明市云南省第一人民医院产科,昆明市云南省第一人民医院产科 650032,650032,650032
Through a retrospective analysis of 10 cases of cesarean section in our hospital to investigate the impact of cesarean section rate and cesarean section indications on perinatal mortality. Statistics show that the rate of cesarean section increased year by year, indications for cesarean section, dystocia factor, fetal distress is always in l, 2, social factors rose to No. 3, others were No. 4, pregnancy complications were In the fifth place, the perinatal mortality rate has stabilized. The results show that although the continuous improvement of cesarean surgical techniques can reduce the perinatal mortality to some extent, but the annual cesarean section rate did not lead to perinatal mortality declined.
《翰香馆法书》共计十二卷。其中《翰香馆法书》十卷,为清初刘光 刻,刻成于康熙十六年(1677);《寄苑十帖》二卷,为清初虞世璎临刻。“翰香馆”是刘光 的书斋名。刘光旸,字雨若,安徽
Background: The effects of maternal phenylalanine on the fetus include facial dysmorphism, microcephaly, intrauterine growth retardation, developmental delay, a
Hefei Feid
如今旅游也成了连锁门店里的商品——几十条适合假日出游的旅游线路开始在“好邻居”便民连锁店销售。 超市连锁店销售旅游线路在发达国家是一种成熟的旅游促销方式,如法国
Objective: Precise determination of fetal head position in labor is a prerequisite for safe instrumental deliveries, and essential for the assessment of labor p
Background: Combined spinal-epidural block (CSEB) has aroused increasing interest, as it combines the reliability of a spinal block and the flexibility of an ep
包皮长、包皮发红、包皮有污垢……只要是男孩子,家长多多少少都会为他的包皮问题烦恼,该怎么解决这些小麻烦呢? 怎么给宝宝清洁包皮? 男宝宝的家长应该养成每天用干净的温水给他清洗外阴的良好习惯,方法很简单,只要将包皮轻轻向后拉,用温水洗涤后再用温湿毛巾擦净即可,但是要注意及时将包皮复原,以免发生嵌顿。 为什么宝宝尿尿时,小鸡鸡像个小灯泡? 当宝宝在尿尿的时候,小鸡鸡像个小灯泡似的鼓起来,随着尿
Objective: To determine the relationship between clinical-epidemiologic findings and microbiologic results in vaginitis. Methods: A prospective study of 212 wom