三十五但丁构筑了地下地狱, 我再现人间地狱对《悲惨世界》置评之前,让我们重温一下这部由五大部份共四十八卷组成的小说巨著的故事概略。在题为《芳汀》的第一部中,首先以很长的篇幅勾画了米里哀主教的形象。多少人在发掘金矿,他却只努力发掘普天下的愁苦,克己行善;基督教宣扬的美德,难得地在他身上获得了真正的体现。继而,贯穿全书的主人公冉阿让登场。冉阿让生在一个贫农家里。他从小父母双亡,只剩下一个孀居的姐姐。十九年前的冬天,他失了业,又眼看姐姐的七个孩子忍饥挨饿,便去面包铺偷了一块面包,竟被判了五年苦役。受不了狱中的折磨,他四次越狱,四次加刑。现在,他获释了,但这个昔日的弱男子已被残酷的统治机器变成一个粗野的人。他到处被人拒于门外。仇恨成了他唯一的感情。米里哀主教好心款待他,他却偷了主教的一篮银器。但警察把他扭送
Thirty-five Dante built underground hell, I reproduce the hell on earth Before commenting on the “Les Miserables”, let us review the outline of this novel consists of forty-eight volumes composed of five parts. In the first entitled Fantine, the image of Bishop Miriam was first outlined in great detail. How many people are digging gold, he is only trying to explore the world of misery, self-denial, and good; Christianity to promote the virtues, rare to obtain a true manifestation of him. Then, Jean Agen, the protagonist throughout the book, appears. Jean Valjean was born in a poor peasant family. His childhood parents died, leaving only a living sister. Nineteen years ago in the winter, he lost his job, and seeing that his sister’s seven children were starving, they went to the bakery to steal a piece of bread and were sentenced to five years of hard labor. Can not stand the torture in prison, he jail four times, four times increase the punishment. Now he was released, but the former weaker man has become a rude man by the cruel rule machine. He was denied everywhere. Hatred has become his only feeling. Bishop Miri-la favored him, but he steals the bishop’s basket of silverware. But the police handed him over