急性胃肠炎是夏秋季最常见的一种疾病,至于其病因,症状等,这里不复赘述,仅按中医的治疗方法,介绍于下: 基本药方:根据伤寒论治疗心下痞证的半夏泻心汤方为主。再按照病情的变化进行加减。其方为:制半夏P--3钱黄芩2--4钱黄连3--6钱干姜2--4钱炙甘草2--钱人参1--3钱大枣十枚为引心下痞证是指:患者自觉心下(指上腹部)胀满而不感疼痛,肠鸣,且有吐或泻、或吐泻交作的症状;他觉检查用手压心下时,虽有痛感,但欲喜按。虽然有了基本药方,但还必须根据中医辨证施治的原则进行治疗.因此应按照症状、脉搏、舌苔等不同的表现,在基本药方内加减某些药物,以达预期的效果。凡有吐泻的症状以外,出现下列症状者,可随症加减以下药物:
Acute gastroenteritis is the most common type of disease in summer and autumn. As for its causes, symptoms, etc., it is not repeated here. According to the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, it is described in the following: Basic prescription: According to the treatise on typhoid fever Xia Xie Xin Tang Fang mainly. Then according to the changes in the condition of the addition and subtraction. The formula is: Pinellia P--3 Qianhuangjing 2--4 Qianhuanglian 3--6 Qiangan Ginger 2--4 Qianzhi Licorice 2- Qiantang Ginseng 1--3 Qianzao Ten Leading Hearts The diarrhea syndrome refers to: The patient feels consciously that the heart (above the abdomen) is full and does not feel pain, bowel, and there is vomiting or diarrhea, or symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea; he feels pain when he examines the hand pressure. , but like to press. Although there are basic prescriptions, they must be treated according to the principles of TCM syndrome differentiation. Therefore, certain drugs should be added or subtracted in the basic prescription according to the symptoms, pulse, and tongue coating to achieve the expected results. In addition to the symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea, the following symptoms, may add or remove the following drugs with the disease: