去年9月,我们测试了JL Audio旗下的顶级超低音型号——Gotham系列中的G213,当时G213的表现对于笔者来说,仍然记忆犹新,时至今日,G213的密封式设计所营造的低频能量感和冲击爆发力,依然比许多其他品牌的型号要出色。其实,除了Gotham系列外,JL Audio还有另外一个Fathom系列,这个系列以传统的方形箱体为设计思路,并且拥有f110、f112、f113和f212这几款型号,f212采用了双12英寸的低音单元,而其他的3个款式都可以从它们的型号中找到具体的低音单元配置,例如本文要介绍的这款Fathom f113。
Last September, we tested the JL Audio’s top subwoofer, the G213 in the Gotham series, which was still vividly reminiscent of the G213’s performance so far. The sealed design of the G213 creates low frequencies Power and impact explosive power, still more than many other brands to be excellent models. In fact, in addition to Gotham series, JL Audio there is another Fathom series, this series of traditional square box design ideas, and has f110, f112, f113 and f212 these models, f212 uses a double 12-inch bass Unit, while the other three models can be found from their model specific bass unit configuration, such as this article to introduce this Fathom f113.