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Purpose:To investigate the mechanisms involved in the development of neovascularization of the optic disc(NVD) in Beh et’s disease and to evaluate the effects of medical and laser treatments.Methods:This is a retrospective study of 26 consecutive Beh et’s patients(38 eyes) with NVD who presented between 1990 and 2004 at our university hospital.Information on age at presentation,sex,disease duration,laterality of NVD,ocular findings,fluorescein angiographic findings,visual acuity,medical treatment,laser photocoagulation,surgical procedures,and the follow-up period was collected.Eyes with diffuse capillary leakage on fluorescein angiography were defined as having inflammation-induced NVD,and eyes with extensive retinal capillary nonperfusion were defined as having ischemia-induced NVD.Results:Eighteen patients were male,and eight were female.Mean age at presentation was 25.4 ± 4.9 years.Median disease duration was 5.5 months.Median follow-up was 24 months.Twelve patients had bilateral NVD;14 had unilateral NVD.Inflammation-induced NVD was seen in 87% of the eyes,and ischemia-induced NVD in 13%.Initial treatment with high-dose corticosteroids combined with conventional immunosuppressive agents was effective in 45% of the eyes with inflammation-induced NVD.Retinal laser photocoagulation was effective in three of five eyes with ischemia-induced NVD.Treatment with interferon α-2a resulted in resolution of NVD in all seven patients who received this agent for inflammation-or ischemia-induced persistent NVD.Final visual acuity was less than 0.1 in 24% of the eyes.Conclusions:Inflammatory mechanisms seem to predominate in the pathogenesis of NVD in Beh et’s disease.The results of this study suggest that the response to intensive anti-inflammatory and conventional immunosuppressive treatment is not satisfactory;retinal laser photocoagulation may be ineffective even in eyes with retinal ischemia,but interferon α-2a seems to be effective for the treatment of Beh et’s patients with NVD. Purpose: To investigate the mechanisms involved in the development of neovascularization of the optic disc (NVD) in Beh et’s disease and to evaluate the effects of medical and laser treatments. Methods: This is a retrospective study of 26 consecutive Beh et’s patients ( 38 eyes) with NVD who presented between 1990 and 2004 at our university hospital. Information on age at presentation, sex, disease duration, laterality of NVD, ocular findings, fluorescein angiographic findings, visual acuity, medical treatment, laser photocoagulation, surgical procedures, and the follow-up period was collected. Eyes with diffuse capillary leakage on fluorescein angiography were defined as having inflammation-induced NVD, and eyes with extensive retinal capillary nonperfusion were defined as having ischemia-induced NVD. Results: Eighteen patients were male, and eight were female .Mean age at presentation was 25.4 ± 4.9 years. Median disease duration was 5.5 months. Median follow-up was 24 months.Twelve patients had bilat 14% of the eyes, and ischemia-induced NVD in 13%. Initial treatment with high-dose corticosteroids combined with conventional immunosuppressive agents was effective in 45% of the eyes with inflammation-induced NVD. Retinal laser photocoagulation was effective in three of five eyes with ischemia-induced NVD. Treatment with interferon α-2a resulted in resolution of NVD in all seven patients who received this agent for inflammation-or ischemia-induced persistent NVD . Final visual acuity was less than 0.1 in 24% of the eyes. Conclusions: Inflammatory mechanisms seem to predominate in the pathogenesis of NVD in Beh et’s disease. The results of this study suggest that the response to intensive anti-inflammatory and conventional immunosuppressive treatment is not satisfactory; retinal laser photocoagulation may be ineffective even in eyes with retinal ischemia, but interferon α-2a seems to be effective for the treatment of Beh et’s patients with NVD.
传统的教学模式在新课程理念的冲击下已经变得弱不禁风了,教育教学改革的大潮将把他定格在历史的矮墙内。我们所追求的是一种自主合作探求的学习方式,不再是老师一味地在40分钟里灌溉式地输送给学生,让学生强加记忆,这在当前已将被遗忘。  《小学语文教学大纲》明确规定:小学语文教学的目的是培养学生识字、看书、作文的能力。因此我们在教学实际中就要注重对三方面知识的训练与培养。  一、抓好基础工作,为学生学习提供
中图分类号:G623.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-925X(2011)09-0139-01  1 用歌曲导入新课,创设良好的教学情境——新课导入的好坏,直接关系到课堂教学的成功与否  新课导入的目的在于激发学生的学习兴趣,引导学生打开思路,帮助学生理解教学内容。大多数歌曲有着美好的意境、优美的旋律和歌词。课前播放乐曲、吟唱歌曲、引用歌词导入,可以创设良好的教学情境,调动学生的情感,激发
摘 要 在课程改革中,新教材的实施给学生的学习带来了一些新问题。本人从高中英语教学的实际出发论证了解决这些问题的关键是:搞好初高中英语教学的衔接,培养学生自主学习的能力。  关键词 初高中英语教学的衔接:学生自主学习能力的培养。  我们知道,新课程改革已开展几年了,在这几年的教学过程中我发现高一新生存在着对新教材的不适应和自主学习能力较差的问题,因此我认为高中英语教学应从初高中英语衔接教学和培养学
初等几何的尺规作图问题,是数千年来中外很多学者曾经研究过的古典问题。作图题实际上是“存在定理”的一个变态,在几何中应居首要地位。此外,在培养逻辑思维方面也起着重要作用。在尺规作图中,关键在于分析,分析就是先假设符合条件的草图已作出,也就是说给定条件合适,则作图命题的解答存在,草图作为命题的终解形式,是可以作得的,然后再寻找解题途径。  尺规作图是起源于古希腊的数学课题,只使用圆规和直尺,并且只准许