在纽约曼哈顿区有一条狭窄的街道,那里汇集着美国最大的银行、信托公司和股票交易所。这条看起来普普通通的街道,就是举世闻名的金融中心——华尔街。 一九八五年,年轻英俊的伯德·福斯,在杰克逊·斯泰奈投资信托公司当经纪人。在大学读书时,他就一心向往金钱,女人和可卡因,不听父亲的劝阻辍学,来到华尔街从事风险很大的股票炒卖。
There is a narrow street in New York’s Manhattan district, where the largest banks, trust companies and stock exchanges in the United States come together. This seemingly ordinary street, is the world-famous financial center - Wall Street. In 1985, young and handsome Byrd Foss, a manager at Jackson Steyr Investment Trust. While studying in college, he devoted himself to money, women and cocaine, discouraged students from dropping out of school, and came to Wall Street to engage in risky stock speculation.