吴作人先生是中国现当代著名的画家、美术教育家.他从20年代步入画坛起,就受到已是绘画大师徐悲鸿的赏识、扶持和鼎力相助,两人由此结下不解之缘,在画坛留下一段佳话.初涉画坛 艺海无涯1924年,16岁的吴作人进入苏州工业专科学校附属中学.他很快与爱好绘画的同学成立了美术组,同时努力练习楷书,还学音乐,最爱拉小提琴,吹笛子,参加学校的乐队,决心投身艺术.高中毕业后,为了上绘画课,他又进了工专的建筑系.一天他在报上见到上海艺术大学一则招生广告,说明由徐悲鸿亲自执教,这条信息令他激动不已.那时名满天下的徐悲鸿是爱好美术青年的崇拜偶像,若能亲聆教诲是多么幸福啊!他立即乘火车到上海法租界善钟路(今常熟路)上海艺术大学,报考美术系,被录取了.当他
Mr. Wu Zuoren, a famous painter and art educator in modern and contemporary China, has been appreciating, supporting and contributing greatly to Xu Beihong, the master of painting, since he entered the painting circle in the 1920s. In 1924, 16-year-old Wu Zuoren entered the secondary school of Suzhou Industrial College.He soon established a fine art group with his classmates who love painting, and at the same time, he tried hard to practice regular script, learn music, Favorite violin, flute, participate in the school band, determined to join the art.School after graduating from high school, in order to painting class, he entered the engineering department.One day he saw in the newspaper a Shanghai University of the ad ad , By Xu Beihong personally taught, this information made him excited when the world famous Xu Beihong is a hobby young art worship idol, if you can teach pro-teach how happy ah! He immediately by train to the French Concession good bell Road (now Changshu Road) Shanghai Art University, apply art department, was admitted