国际标准IEC 1069-5工业过程测量和控制-系统评估中系统特性的评定第5部分:系统可信性的评估(续)环境扰动试验影响条件的某些扰动能触发防护性机理。因此,在试验防护性机理时,所选择影响条件的变化应不超出正常值范围。在选择影响条件时,...
International Standard IEC 1069-5 Measurement and Control of Industrial Processes - Evaluation of System Characteristics in System Evaluation Part 5: Evaluation of System Credibility (cont.) Environmental Disturbance Tests Some disturbances affecting the conditions can be triggered Protective mechanism. Therefore, when testing the protective mechanism, the influence of the selected conditions should not change beyond the normal range. When choosing the conditions of influence, ...