早在几年前就有人说过,在中国,吃汽车这碗饭,不论是干整车还是搞零部件,只要与汽车沾边,保准稳赚不赔。虽说此话讲得过于绝对,却也并非空穴来风。 缺重少轻,多年积弊,一夕难改。产品结构上的严重不合理与汽车市场饥饿症并存,为各地争上汽车项目,埋下了重重的伏笔。 拿轻型车市场来说,真可谓不废江河,鱼龙混杂。各式各样的中巴、小巴,各种型号的改装车厂,算
As early as a few years ago, some people said that in China, eating a bowl of rice in a car, whether it is a dry car or spare parts, as long as the car is affixed to the side, it is guaranteed not to lose. Although this statement is too absolute, it is not groundless. Lack of weight, lack of strength, and long-term accumulation of disadvantages are difficult to change overnight. The serious irrationality of the product structure and the hunger in the automotive market coexist. It has plundered a lot of foreshadowing for various local auto projects. In terms of the light car market, it is indeed a waste of rivers and rivers. All kinds of CMBs, minibuses, and various types of modified automobile plants