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对田间发现的胡萝卜雄性不育株作了调查与观察 ,并与可育株作了形态特征比较。结果表明 :(1)胡萝卜雄性不育株占群体总株数的 0 .786 %。 (2 )不育花花瓣为绿色 ,雄蕊为绿色瓣花型 ,不完全花瓣状 ,无花丝 ,花粉 ;花柱 ,柱头及子房完全被花瓣状结构所包裹 ,不易被发现。可育花花瓣为白色 ,花丝细长 ,白色 ,白色花药肥厚 ,布满花粉 ;花柱、柱头及子房明显。(3)观察至不育株育性对温度具敏感性 The carrot male sterile plants discovered in the field were investigated and observed, and morphological characteristics were compared with that of fertile plants. The results showed that: (1) The male sterile male carrot accounted for 0.786% of the total number of the population. (2) The petals of sterile flowers are green, and the stamens are green petals. They are not completely petal-shaped, nor filiform and pollens. The style, stigma and ovary are completely covered by petal-like structures and are not easily found. Fertile flower petals are white, filaments slender, white, white anthers hypertrophy, covered with pollen; style, stigmas and ovaries significantly. (3) Observed to sterile plant fertility is temperature sensitive
衢州市衢江区位于浙江省西部,钱塘江上游,全区林业用地面积195.87万亩,森林覆盖率72.9%,是浙江省重要的生态屏障,境内拥有紫微山国家森林公园、乌溪江国家湿地公园和多个野生动植物自然保护小区等丰富的森林资源,拥有龙门峡谷、药王山等数个著名景区,境内的乌溪江流域是国家一级水源保护区,可以说绿水青山就是衢江人引以为傲的金名片。  衢江区森林病虫害测报站是国家级森林病虫害中心测报点之一,与衢江区林业