我同力群虽为乡党,可还从未到过他的出生地郝家掌村。1998年夏,我们相逢于灵石县王家大院后,因其又要“回去看看”,乃同往。此行尚有青年画家兰平先生以及随后赶来的电视台记者。在其万木争秀、山风长吟的野村内外,兰平为我们拍下许多原汁原味的照片,每每翻开相册,我便想到这年8月5日的一处处场景和力老给我讲到的一些话题和故事。 1 快进村时,红土路更加泥泞不堪,前一天刚下过大雨,尽管乡亲们闻讯后还在整修,可一时难得畅通,遂都下车。
Although I with the force group for the township party, but has never been to his birthplace Hao home palm village. In the summer of 1998, after we met in the royal courtyard of Lingshi County, we went back and looked at it because we wanted to go back. There are still young painters Mr. Lan Ping and the subsequent television station reporters. In its Wanwu dispute show, mountain Chang Yin Village both inside and outside, Lan Ping photographed many of our authentic photos, often open the album, I would think of this year, August 5, I talked about some of the topics and stories. 1 When entering the village fast, the dirt road was more muddy. The day before, heavy rains took place. Although the villagers were still refurbishing after hearing the news, they could get off for a while and then get off.