今年四月下旬,中国《雕塑》杂志社社长范伟民先生一行三人应抱趣堂主人谢宏中先生的邀请到香港访问并参观《抱趣堂当代艺术展》。这个以“灵性的呼唤”为主题的展览于四月七日在九龙洲际酒店隆重开幕。香港各界名流一百多人出席了开幕仪式。当代艺术馆馆主谢宏中先生是一位资深的中国当代艺术收藏家。除国画方面藏有岭南派创始人高剑父、高奇峰、陈树人,以及第二代赵少昂、关山月等人数十件画作真迹外,更早在上世纪90年代开始收藏大陆艺术家的油画作品, 藏品亦有数百幅之多。此次展出的油画中,特别引人注目的是已故著名油画家陈逸飞先生的八幅画作,堪称抱趣堂当代艺术馆的镇馆之藏。
In late April of this year, Mr. Fan Weimin, the president of China’s “Sculpture” magazine, visited the Hong Kong pavilion at the invitation of Mr. Xie Hongzhong, owner of the pavilion. The exhibition featuring “The Call of Spirituality” was grandly opened at the Intercontinental Hotel in Kowloon on April 7. More than 100 people from all walks of life in Hong Kong attended the opening ceremony. Mr. Xie Hongzhong, the founder of the Museum of Contemporary Art, is a veteran Chinese contemporary art collector. In addition to the traditional Chinese paintings, including Gao Jian-fu, Gao Qifeng, Gao Qifeng, and Chen Shuren, the founders of the Lingnan School, as well as ten paintings of the second generation, such as Zhao Shao-ang and Guan Shanyue, they began to collect works of oil paintings by Chinese artists as early as the 1990s There are also hundreds of collections. Among the oil paintings on display this time, there are eight paintings by the late famous painter, Mr. Chen Yifei.