[案例] 杨某系山东省胶州市洋河镇某私营石料厂的农民临时工。1996年5月26日在工作过程中不慎被石头砸伤,随后被送往当地驻军医院治疗,医院诊断为右脚腓骨重度粉碎性骨折,1997年10月28日医疗终结。1997年12月30日经胶州市医务劳动鉴定委员会鉴定为“右下肢较上下肢短2公分,踝关节功能障碍”,鉴定为工伤6级。治疗期间,石料厂仅为其支付了住院期间的医疗费和部分
[Case] Yangmou is a temporary worker of a peasant in a private stone factory in Yanghe, Jiaozhou, Shandong Province. On May 26, 1996, he was accidentally stoned by the stone during his work. He was subsequently sent to the local military hospital for treatment. The hospital diagnosed severe comminuted fractures of the right foot and fibrosis. Medical treatment ended on October 28, 1997. December 30, 1997 Jiaozhou City Medical Appraisal Committee identified as “right lower extremity lower limbs shorter 2 cm, ankle dysfunction,” identified as injury-6. During the treatment period, the stone factory only paid for the medical expenses and part of the period of hospitalization