2003年,是军工企业改革脱困、关闭破产的攻坚年,是重要的一年,是奋战的一年,是不平凡的一年。 军工企业改革脱困、关闭破产工作是一项艰巨而复杂的系统工程,难度之大,任务之艰巨,情况之复杂,历史上少有。国防科工委新一届领导班子贯彻中央决策决心大,措施硬,力度强,工作实。各军工集团公司及有关地方政府密切配合,全力推进,全年的改革脱困工作基本按计划节点推进,取得了阶段性成果。回顾一年的风风雨雨和艰难曲折,既令人感叹,又使人振奋!
In 2003, it was an important year, an extremely year for fighting and a crucial year for the military industry to get rid of the difficulties of the reform and shut down bankruptcy. It is an arduous and complicated systematic project to shut down the bankruptcy of the military industrialized enterprises. It is extremely difficult and arduous to carry out the task of reforming the military industry. The situation is complicated and rare in history. The new leadership of the State Commission of Science, Technology, Science, Technology and Industry Commission has made great efforts to implement the decision made by the central government, with hard measures, strong efforts and practical work. The military industrial and mining companies and the local governments concerned worked closely with each other and worked hard to promote them. The year-on-year efforts to reform and eliminate difficulties basically proceeded as planned and achieved initial results. Recalling the ups and downs of the year and difficult twists and turns, both sigh, but also exciting!