
来源 :吉林人大 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:boymaster
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1998年初,姜守国同志就任双辽市法院党组书记、院长。上任后他通过调查研究发现,院内有很多抽调、借调及临时人员,这些人员分散在各业务庭和基层法庭参与办案,有的甚至负责法庭的日常工作。由于他们素质低、责任心不强,时有错案发生。有的为解决开工资和办案经费,竟乱收费、乱罚款、乱执行、乱花钱,群众意见很大,也给院里造成了很大的经济负担。为切实搞好教育整顿,创建人民满意的法院,姜院长感到清理整顿法院队伍已势在必行。清理清退工作,要动真格的,难度极大,牵扯面很广,但要在人民群众中树立起人民法院的威信,推动法院工作不断前进,姜守 In early 1998, Comrade Jiang Shoguo took office as party secretary and president of the Shuangliao Municipal Court. After taking office, he found through the investigation and study that there were a lot of redeployment, secondments and temporary staff in the hospital. These staffs were scattered in the business divisions and grass-roots courts and even took charge of the day-to-day work of the court. Because of their low quality, low sense of responsibility, there is a time of misstatement. In order to solve the problem of opening up salaries and handling cases, some people charge unjust fees, fines, chaos and chaos and spend lots of money. The masses have great opinions and they also cause great economic burden to the hospital. In order to conscientiously do a good job of education and rectification and to create a court of people’s satisfaction, President Jiang felt it imperative to clean up and rectify the court ranks. To clear and retired the work, it is necessary to move the real ones. It is extremely difficult and involves a wide range of issues. However, it is necessary to establish the prestige of the people’s courts among the people and advance the work of the courts. Jiang Shou
一条线连着你我他,一张网把电波传天涯,“148”要司法,法律之声遍中华。合法不合法,问问“ 148”;拨通“148”,法律送到家。我们愿做开启智慧的钥匙,让人们冲破困惑的关卡,我们要在党和群众中,
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