梁廷是清代道光、咸丰年间的广东名儒 ,中国近代最早“开眼看世界”的先进知识分子之一。他在鸦片战争前后 ,曾热情支持林则徐领导的禁烟运动和反抗英国侵略的斗争 ,与林则徐过从甚密 ,两人在“夷情观”上有许多相似之处 ,但也存在着差异。本文试图对两人的“夷情观”加以比较 ,以深化对梁廷思想的认识。
Liang Tingtao was one of the most famous intellectuals in Guangdong during the Daoguang and Xianfeng years in Qing Dynasty and the earliest “open-eyed world” in modern China. Before and after the Opium War, he enthusiastically supported the anti-smoking campaign led by Lin Zexu and the struggle against the British aggression. There were many similarities between Lin Zexu and Lin Zexu. There were many differences but there were also similarities between them. This article attempts to compare the two concepts of “Yi Fu” to deepen the understanding of Liang Tingtao’s thinking.