各位代表、各位理事: 中国建筑学会第七届理事会从1987年12月成立以来,已经整四年了。按照学会章程,经过多次酝酿,在本次大会上,将正式成立第八届理事会,并产生新的常务理事会及领导班子。 在这里,我们首先以极其沉痛的心情,悼念我会第六、七届理事长、中国科学院学部委员、我国杰出的建筑大师戴念慈同志。戴理事长多年来主持我会工作,为发展我国建筑学的理论与实践,为发展我会与世界各国、各地区建筑师的友谊,进行了不倦的工作。他的功绩将永远记在我们的心中。
Distinguished Delegates and Members: The Seventh Council of the Chinese Architectural Society has been in office for four years since its establishment in December 1987. According to the constitution of the society, after many brewing, at this meeting, the eighth council will be formally established, and a new standing council and leading group will be created. Here, we first mourn the memory of Comrade Dai Nianci, the sixth and seventh president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the outstanding architect of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. President Dai Zhitao presided over our work for many years and worked tirelessly for the development of the theory and practice of our country’s architecture and for the development of the friendship between our organization and architects from all over the world and regions. His achievements will always be remembered in our hearts.