为什么宝洁的商品在与零售商的合作中总是占有主动地位,而同样的生产厂商,同样的快速消费品,却不得不屈从卖场苛刻的条件? 以与沃尔玛的合作为例。首先,宝洁积极听取来自沃尔码的建议和意见,当卖场提出宝洁的
Why Procter & Gamble’s products always take the initiative in the cooperation with retailers, and the same manufacturer, the same fast moving consumer goods, but had to succumb to the harsh conditions of the store? Take the cooperation with Wal-Mart as an example. First of all, Procter & Gamble actively listen to advice and advice from Wal-Mart when the store presents Procter & Gamble