满园春色关不住 一枝红杏出墙来——从降价大战看企业低价竞销策略

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越过弥漫的商战峰烟,灼人的降价热浪扑面而来。从价廉物美的十点利、接踵而至的八点利、割肉贴本的零点利,到风起云涌的彩电降价、冰箱削价、服装折价大战,都足以说明,低价竞销已经成为越来越多的商家争夺客源、占领市场份额、吸引消费者的看家本领。每到销售旺季,降价大战就进入几近肉搏的白炽化高潮。九七年春节前夕,南京几乎所有大商厦都打出了削价大旗,与此同时常州商界的降价大战来势猛烈。各方打得难分难解,常州市贸委最后不得不出面调停,并规定以后企业商品降价促销要经过严格审批。价格竞争不是商业竞争的唯一手段,却是市场竞争的基本形式。也是市场机制调节供求关系的表现方式和必然结果。以我国的男式衬衫为例,目前全国积压男式衬衫超过 Across the pervasive peak of commercial warfare, scorching people’s price cuts heat waves. From the low price, the ten-point profit, followed by the eight-point profit, the zero profit of the meat sticker, the surging price of color TVs, the refrigerator price cut, and the clothing price war, it is enough to show that low-price competition has become increasingly Many merchants compete for customer sources, occupy market share, and attract consumers’ housekeeping skills. In the peak sales season, the price cuts have entered an almost incandescent incandescent climax. On the eve of the Spring Festival in 1997, almost all the large commercial buildings in Nanjing have played the flag of price cuts. At the same time, the price cuts in the business community in Changzhou are fierce. All parties played inextricably, and the Changzhou Municipal Commission of Trade finally had to come to mediation, and stipulated that after the company’s merchandise price reduction promotion must undergo strict approval. Price competition is not the only means of commercial competition, but it is the basic form of market competition. It is also the expression and inevitable result of the market mechanism regulating supply and demand. Take China’s men’s shirts as an example. At present, there are more men’s shirts over the country.
本次展会,欧洲第一、世界第三的全球知名高空作业品牌欧历胜(Haulotte)携HT28RTJ0等7款全新升级产品亮相,其中HT28RTJ0型越野直臂式高空作业平台是首次全球首发。HT28 RTJO型
这里是本刊新推出的栏目——“SD视角”。作为向新千年的见面礼,“SD视角”将以其独有的风格和特色汇入建筑装饰的大潮,相信它会在默默的贡献中,彰显自己的魅力。 “SD视角”