加夫列拉·米斯特拉尔她出生于智利艾尔基山谷的一个小镇。童年时她父亲离家出走 ,使得本来就贫困的家境变得更加艰难。她只上了小学 ,就跟当乡村女教师的姐姐做代课老师 ,以后再也没有受过什么正规教育 ,但是她靠自学成才成为正式教师 ,一直任到中学校长。小时候受到的凌辱和不公正待遇并没有使她颓丧 ,反而促使她奋发图强。她曾大量阅读文学作品 ,写了很多诗歌。 1914年 12月 12日 ,她的三首《死亡的十四行诗》荣获圣地亚哥赛诗花会大奖。 192 2年她应墨西哥教育部长之邀 ,到墨西哥参加教育改革。从此她几乎一直在国外从事文化工作或担任外交官 ,努力促进世界各国人民之间的了解 ,支持民族解放和世界和平运动 ,维护妇女儿童的权利 ,因而受到世人的深切爱戴。 1945年 ,她荣获诺贝尔文学奖 ,成为拉丁美洲获此殊荣的第一人 ,也是拉丁美洲十位诺贝尔文学奖获得者中惟一的一位女性。她的主要作品有 :《绝望》( 192 3 )、《柔情》( 192 4)、《塔拉》( 193 8)、《葡萄压榨机》( 195 4)、《诗歌全集》( 195 8)和《智利诗歌》( 1967)。人们都知道她是一位伟大的诗人 ,其实她也是一位出色的散文家。———译者
Gabriella Mistral She was born in a small town in the Chilean Alchi valley. Her father ran away from home during childhood, making the already impoverished home even more difficult. She only went to primary school, just as the village teacher teacher’s sister substitute teacher, after no formal education, but she self-taught to become an official teacher, has been appointed middle school principal. The humiliation and unfair treatment she suffered during her childhood did not depress her but instead prompted her to work hard. She has read a lot of literary works, wrote a lot of poetry. December 12, 1914, her three “Sonnets of Death” won the Grand Prix of Santiago’s Flower Festival. At the invitation of Mexican Minister of Education, she came to Mexico to attend the educational reform in 2002. Since then, she has been practicing cultural affairs abroad or serving as a diplomat. She has endeavored to promote mutual understanding among all the peoples of the world, support national liberation and world peace and safeguard the rights of women and children. She is therefore deeply loved by the world. In 1945, she won the Nobel Prize for Literature, becoming the first person to win this award in Latin America and the only woman in Latin America who won the Nobel Prize in Literature. Her main works include Desperate (192 3), Tenderness (192 4), Tara (193 8), Grape Press (195 4), Complete Works of Poetry (195 8) and Chilean Poetry (1967). People know she is a great poet, in fact, she is also a brilliant essayist. --- Translator