粪检是诊断钩虫病较简单的方法,但不能随时取样,在流行病学调查中也常有群众因怕脏怕臭,不愿送检。且钩虫尚未在人体内发育到产卵时,无法从粪样中检出虫卵,由于近年来不断阐明了钩虫幼虫可在宿主体内进行迁延性移行的特性,因此,随着有关免疫检测技术的发展,探讨钩虫病的免疫诊断以弥补粪检的不足,具有实际意义。以往国内外这方面的研究报道较少。为此,我们试用ELISA检测钩虫特异性IgG抗体,为建立钩虫病的免疫诊断及血清流行病学调查等的检测方法提供资料,现初步报告如下。 1 材料和方法 1.1 样本钩虫病血清采自晋江、漳浦、龙海、浦
Fecal semen examination is a simple method of diagnosis of hookworm, but can not be sampled at any time, epidemiological surveys are often the masses because of fear of fear of stinky, reluctant to submit. As the hookworm has not yet been developed in the human body to spawn, it is impossible to detect the eggs from the fecal samples. As the hookworm larvae have been constantly clarified in recent years, they can migrate in the host body. Therefore, as the immunological detection technology Development, to explore the immunological diagnosis of hookworm disease to make up for the lack of fecal examination, of practical significance. Previous studies at home and abroad in this area are few. To this end, we try ELISA test hookworm-specific IgG antibodies for the establishment of hookworm immune diagnosis and serum epidemiological survey methods to provide information, the initial report is as follows. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 Sample hookworm disease serum collected from Jinjiang, Zhangpu, Longhai, Pu