等离子技术是瑞典炼铁新工艺的核心。这 种新工艺严重地威胁着高炉长期处于统治地 位,这种称作“等离子熔炼”技术已由SKF 钢铁公司发展起来,据称可降低生铁生产成本 20%,而且降低能耗,减少污染,在能源选择 上更具有灵活性。另一个重大的优点是每年每 吨产品的固定资金投资仅仅是高炉生产所需的 三分之一。而且等离子熔炼这种工艺可应用于 现有高炉。 铁精矿是在两个普通的流化床里,以700 ~800℃温度进行还原。还原率为50~60%。 在第二阶段,是将予还原矿连同熔剂,煤粉或 油一起倾注到熔化还原段去,依靠等离子发生 器可使还原气加热到3000~5000℃,因此,熔
Plasma technology is at the core of the new Swedish ironmaking process. This new process is a serious threat to long-term domination of the blast furnace. This technique, known as “plasma melting,” has been developed by SKF Steel, purportedly to reduce pig iron production costs by 20% and to reduce energy consumption and pollution, More flexibility in energy options. Another major advantage is that the fixed capital investment per tonne of product per annum is only one-third that required for blast furnace production. And plasma melting process can be applied to the existing blast furnace. Iron concentrate is in two ordinary fluidized bed to 700 ~ 800 ℃ temperature reduction. The reduction rate is 50 ~ 60%. In the second stage, the prereduction ore is poured into the smelting reduction section along with the flux, pulverized coal or oil, and the recuperation gas can be heated to 3000-5000 ° C. by means of the plasma generator. Therefore, the melting