纵观2005年大大小小的贪官们所说的话及写下的忏悔词,其中不乏“经典名言”,值得玩味。这些“名言”有的是贪官们在法庭上接受审判时的脱口而出, 有的是在接受记者采访时的有感而发, 有的是在忏悔书中的真情流露。别看这些贪官的话有的令人捧腹,有的让人作呕,还有的使人啼笑皆非,但是,“言为心声”,听其言,可以观其行,这些话都折射出贪官们的心态和灵魂,可以帮助我们更清楚地认识他们的丑恶嘴脸。
Throughout 2005, corrupt officials of all sizes and wrote the words of repentance, many of them “classic famous quote”, it is worth pondering. Some of these “famous quotations” come from the blunders of corrupt officials when they are tried in court, some in the interview with reporters, and some in the repentance. Do not look at these corrupt officials, some of the hilarious, some disgusting, and others are ridiculous, however, “words as the voice” to listen to their words, you can see the line, these words are reflected corrupt officials mentality And the soul, can help us more clearly understand their ugly face.