贡桑诺尔布是近代著名蒙古族政治活动家。他率先在蒙古地区实施“革新” ,并利用日本的先进科学文化及人才 ,创办了蒙古族第一所近代女子学校和军事学校 ,派出蒙古族第一代留日学生 ,为发展蒙古族文化教育做出了不可磨灭的贡献。
Gongsanuoerbu is a famous modern Mongolian political activist. He took the lead in the implementation of “innovation” in Mongolia and used Japan’s advanced scientific culture and talents to establish the first modern Mongolian women’s school and military school and sent the first Mongolian students to Japan for the development of Mongolian cultural education Made an indelible contribution.