松材线虫病是松树的一种毁灭性病害 ,具有易传播、发病快、难防治的特点 ,被称为松树的“癌症” ,列为国家级森检对象。自1990年发生以来 ,经过 10年的封锁治理 ,目前疫情基本得到了控制 ,并压缩到长岛县南长山镇 40 0hm2 的松林 ,发病株数已从过去的上千株下降到 40 0株。每
Pine wood nematode disease is a devastating disease of pine trees, with the characteristics of easy spread, rapid onset and difficult to control. It is called “cancer” of pine tree and is listed as the national forest inspection object. Since its establishment in 1990, after 10 years of blockade and control, the current epidemic has basically been brought under control and has been reduced to 40hm2 of pine forests in Nanchangshan Town, Long Island County. The number of cases has dropped from the previous one to about 40,000. each