Multi-channel junction-gate field-effect transistors and their advantages, introduced in 1964 with the object of a buried gate field effect transistor. It includes vertical and horizontal channel structures. It has evolved to incorporate the advantages of field-effect transistors and bipolar transistors into the same device. The characteristics of a horizontal channel structure are very useful in the VHF band of the power tube; however, the vertical channel structure is generally more suitable for higher frequencies and more power. However, in order to develop such a structure in the field of microwave power, a thorough understanding must be given to overcome its disadvantages (that is, higher gate resistance and differential leakage conductance, etc.). The first solution to this problem is to correct the geometry of the gate and increase the impurity concentration in the gate. The second problem to be solved is to give the appropriate resistance to the sheet resistance of the source and drain. As a result, operating frequencies above 1 gigahertz, fmax (max) of about 5 gigahertz, and frequency-power products of about 5 thousand have been achieved using typical processes and normal gate precision (but with proper gate patterns) Megahertz Watt Monolithic Implicit Field Effect Transistor. This article discusses the characteristics of this device, and gives a full set of experimental results. Finally, a summary of the devices that are expected to be implemented in the very near future, with a power range of 1-2 watts and an operating frequency of 8 gigahertz, is now under way. This article also discusses the expected structure near the threshold of a buried gate field effect transistor. This article only covers the experimental part of the buried gate field effect transistor.