Compound Impedance Control of a Hydraulic Driven Parallel 3UPS/S Manipulator

来源 :中国机械工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wzlzcy_yt190057
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The hydraulic parallel manipulator combines the high-power density of the hydraulic system and high rigidity of the parallel mechanism with excellent load-carrying capacity.However,the high-precision trajectory tracking control of the hydraulic parallel manipulator is challenged by the coupling dynamics of the parallel mechanism and the high nonlinearities of the hydraulic system.In this study,the trajectory control of a 3-DOF symmetric spherical parallel 3UPS/S manipulator is evaluated.Focusing on the highly coupling and nonlinear system dynamics,a compound impedance control method for a hydraulic driven parallel manipulator is proposed,which combines impedance control with the spatial motion characteristics of a parallel manipulator.The control strategy is divided into the inner and outer loops.The inner loop controls the impedance of the actuator in the joint space,and the outer loop controls the impedance of the entire platform in the task space to compensate the coupling of the actuators and improve the tracking accuracy of the moving platform.Compound impedance control does not require force or pressure sensors and is less dependent on modeling precision.The experimental results show that the compound impedance control effectively improves the tracking accuracy of the moving platform.This research proposes a compound impedance control strategy for a 3-DOF hydraulic parallel manipulator,which has high tracking precision with a simple and cheap system configuration.
摘 要:做好舞蹈的编导工作是一件非常不容易的事情,不仅要具备专业知识,还要有很强的综合素质。本文将对提高舞蹈编导的创作能力进行深入分析。  关键词:舞蹈编导;创作能力;提高方法  舞蹈是一种对美的表现形式,是对形体艺术的完美诠释,舞蹈编导需要具有较高的综合素养。舞蹈是对美的一种艺术表现形式,是人们娱乐和陶冶情操的有效途径,对提高人们的精神文化素养有很大的作用。舞蹈编导是舞蹈作品的创作者,如今随着民
摘 要:在传统学校教育当中,学校以及教师从来就不关注艺术类的课程,也就是美术、音乐以及体育等相关课程的学习,教师在开展教学活动的时候,只关注学生文化知识方面的学习。随着时代的发展和进步,学校以及教师越来越关注学生综合素质的发展。在小学阶段的学习当中,教师注重的是学生全面自由发展,不仅是要学生学习文化知识,还要在学习的过程中培养学生的各项能力,美术的学习是能够培养学生个性以及学生的审美能力,现在小学
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