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近年来,在阅读教学中培养学生自学能力的试验及经验总结逐渐多起来,这是阅读教学的一大进步。但是就大面积来看,阅读教学仍然存在着教师只管教,不管学的现象。学生不会读书,只会死记教师给的现成结论;学生思维的发展,尤其是创造性思维能力的发展受到一定限制。这些问题的存在,原因还是对阅读教学的指导思想认识不足,传统的教学思想在一定程度上仍然束缚着人们的手足。传统的阅读教学,总是把学生放在被动地位,教师不论对高年级,还是中低年级的学生,都视其为容器把知识注入他们脑中;或把学生当作机器,机械重复地做练习。这种教学思想和教学方法,连一些资产 In recent years, experiments and experience in cultivating students’ self-learning abilities in reading teaching have gradually increased. This is a major advancement in reading teaching. However, on a large scale, there are still teachers in teaching reading, regardless of the phenomenon of learning. Students will not read books, they will only remember the ready conclusions given by teachers; the development of students’ thinking, especially the ability of creative thinking, is limited. The existence of these problems is due to the lack of understanding of the guiding ideology of reading teaching, and the traditional teaching ideology still holds people’s hands and feet to some extent. Traditional reading teaching always puts students in a passive position. Teachers, regardless of whether they are senior or middle or lower grade students, regard it as a container to inject knowledge into their brains; or use students as machines to mechanically do it repeatedly. Exercise. This kind of teaching ideas and teaching methods, with some assets
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你能指出下列译文哪儿错了吗? 1.你回来多久了? How long have you come back? 2.弟弟已参军两年了。The brother has joined the army for two years. 3.他已经病三天了。
爱心无言:奋勇救人赢来代理机会    1962年出生的曾智勇,18岁那年,响应祖国的号召光荣参军,成为驻扎在湛江的广东军区53019部队的一名军人。3年后他退伍回到了老家耒阳农村。最初靠贩卖干菜赢得了第一桶金。后来,在广东汕头一家玩具厂打工,一晃就是10多年,一直做到了销售部经理。然而,2005年底,公司遭遇经济危机,厂子开始停产,曾智勇只有另谋出路。不管自己人生处于何种状态,曾智勇都强调以德为先
《大学英语教学大纲》(理工科适用)最近已经公布,将于今年秋季在全国重点理工科院校正式执行.这是公共英语教学的一项重大改革. 新修订的教学大纲反映了国家培养高级建设人
The Two Hemispheres Although most of us think of the brain as a single structure, it is actually divided into two hemispheres. The left hemisphere controls the
创业两年,24岁的何炜如今还带领公司在温饱线上挣扎。他说,尽管现在谈发展为时过早,却收获了很多,“权当是积累经验”。    第一个“孩子”夭折    去年年底,何炜不得不放弃苦心经营两年的双休网。在烧掉40万元后,他没有赚到一分钱。  何炜毕业于华中科技大学计算机系,2005年5月,正是大三下学期,课程不紧,何炜便邀两位好友成立武汉极限脉络网络技术有限公司。公司有两块业务,一是帮其他公司建设网站,