热疗是一种既古又新的治疗癌症的方法。早在公元前2000年就曾有过用灼热烙铁烧去肿物的记载,1866年德国医师 W·Bu-sch 也发表过用热疗治愈脸部肿物的文章,但真正科学地把热疗用于癌症治疗却是从l975年开始的。1975年在华盛顿召开了第一次国际温热疗法专题讨论会;1977、1980年召
Hyperthermia is an ancient and new method of treating cancer. As early as 2000 BC, there was a record of burning the tumor with a burning iron. In 1866, the German doctor W. Bu-sch also published an article on the treatment of facial tumor with hyperthermia. However, It was started in l975 for the treatment of cancer. 1975 The first International Symposium on Thermotherapy was held in Washington; 1977-1980